The Executive Committee of The Allston Abbey
The Executive Committee is the group of ordained and lay leaders appointed by Bishop Alan M. Gates to work together to establish and steward The Allston Abbey.

The Reverend Isaac Martinez (he/him), Convener
As a queer Latino priest, Isaac’s deepest passion is to ensure that each person, no matter their identity or background, knows they are loved by their Creator and that there is a place for them in Christ’s body. He prays, works, and serves to make the Episcopal Church one that “looks and acts like Jesus” in the words of former Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.
He serves as Priest in Charge at Trinity Parish in Melrose, a redeveloping suburban congregation. Isaac was appointed Convener of the Executive Committee by Bishop Alan Gates in December 2023 after serving as a member since February 2021.
Isaac graduated from Harvard Divinity School and was ordained to the diaconate in June
2019 and then ordained to the priesthood in January 2020. He has served parishes in
Brookline and Newton, MA.
Isaac lives in Medford with his husband, Ben, and their numerous plant-children.

The Reverend Ema Rosero-Nordalm (she/her)
Ordained to the Sacred Order of the Diaconate in June 2012, Ema has served Latino Communities in this country and abroad with faith, hope, and love, in roles as mentor, companion and facilitator of trainings, spiritual retreats, and support to clergy establishing new Latino Ministries. Her delight and praise to God is to witness the work of guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and experiencing the profound, joyful, and transforming moments of response of Latino laity when they feel affirmed in their gifts and talents, validated in their wisdom and wholeness, and enthusiastically invited to work for others as a community of faith and in Christ’s name.

The Reverend Elise Feyerherm (she/her)
The Reverend Elise Feyerherm is a priest and teacher whose vocation is deeply rooted in both of those identities. She has been teaching in some capacity since 1987, first as a high school religion teacher in Providence, RI after receiving her M.Div. from Yale Divinity School. After receiving her Ph. D. in Theological Studies from Boston College in 2001 she has taught at a number of colleges, universities, and seminaries in the Midwest and on the East Coast, including seven years at Bexley Hall Seminary (now Bexley Seabury), and several years as adjunct instructor at Episcopal Divinity School until the closure of its Cambridge, MA campus in 2018.
She was ordained a priest in 2010 in the Diocese of Southern Ohio, and has served parishes in Ohio, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, most recently as associate rector at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Brookline, MA.
Currently she serves as Coordinator of the Anglican/Episcopal Community of Learning and Adjunct Instructor in Anglican Studies at the Boston University School of Theology, and is also on the faculty of The Stevenson School for Ministry out of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, which provides online formation for persons preparing for lay and ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church. From the beginning she has understood her call to be one that unites scholarship, teaching, and ministry for the purpose of grounding the Church more deeply in its love for Christ, for each other, and for the world.

The Reverend Isaac Everett (he/him), Treasurer
Isaac is a passionate believer in intentional community; he co-founded one such community with five collaborators in 2011 and has lived there with his partner ever since, and was a part of the founding team that conceived and created CRECHE. Before joining the CRECHE staff, Isaac served as the Minister of Liturgical Arts at The Crossing, a Boston-based church plant, and had a ten-year career as a session musician in New York City prior to that.
Isaac spends his spare time making music, coaching weightlifters, and playing nerdy board games.

Mike Scanlon (he/him)
Michael Scanlon maintains a private practice as an architectural designer and consults on
preservation and re-use of historic buildings. His design for the facade of 100 Salem Street in the North End won the 2004 National Design Award from the Cast Stone Institute of America. In 2017 He was awarded a Boston Preservation Achievement award by Boston Preservation Alliance. He has served on the board of the New England Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers, and has taught at Wentworth Institute. He serves as Building Commission Chair for Emmanuel Church in The City Boston. Currently he serves on the Executive Committees of Allston Abbey and St. John St. James in Roxbury. Other boards include Mudflat Studios in Somerville, Renaissance Men Choir, and previously, Ashmont Hill Chamber Music and convergence Ensemble.

Jamie Shore (she/her), Clerk
Jamie and her wife, Rebekah, have lived at Emmanuel House since 2018. Jamie earned her MDiv from Boston University School of Theology in 2021 and works there as Associate Registrar and Financial Aid Officer.
She is passionate about community and cultivating Good News in this corner of Allston!
She loves gardening, playing cards, knitting, and hanging out with her cat.

The Reverend Canon Bill Parnell, Diocesan Staff Liaison (he/him)
Bio is forthcoming